75 Simple Self-Care Ideas To Boost Your Well-Being

If there’s one thing I see the most in my life coaching its that people are in need of a good self-care routine now more than ever. Life has become so fast, complicated, and busy that our own self-care often takes a backseat to the endless tasks and responsibilities we find ourselves with.

Making time for self-care in your daily routine is the best way to maintain your mental, emotional, and physical health and well-being. That’s why I have put together this list of 75 simple self care ideas. Because recharging and rejuvenating doesn’t have to be hard, complicated, or cost money! 

In fact, the simplest and most effective self-care routine ideas can often be found in your own home! 

My hope is that you can find a few self-care activities to add to your to-do list that help your well-being amongst the chaos of your daily life!

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75 Simple Self-Care Ideas

#1. Use positive affirmations

My absolute favorite of all the self care ideas on this list is positive affirmations. If you have never used affirmations before, they can feel a little silly. But when used correctly, positive affirmations can truly transform your life.

The idea is that you repeat a positive statement to yourself regularly to fill your mind with positive things. The goal isn’t to ignore negative thoughts or feelings, but to train your brain to do what you want it to do.

Using affirmations as part of your morning routine is a great way to prioritize your emotional self-care! Check out our collection of printable positive affirmation cards to get started! 

i am affirmation cards

#2. Meditation

Making meditation and mindful breathing part of your regular self-care routine is a simple and effective idea for your self-care. In just 5 minutes, you can complete a free mindful breathing meditation exercise that will reduce stress and anxiety.

If you find your thoughts wandering, try using a meditation app or these mindfulness questions to direct your thinking!

#3. Write a gratitude list

Writing a gratitude list is a great self-care routine idea that you can engage in every day. Taking time each day to write down 3 – 5 things you are grateful for can totally change your mindset and your outlook on the day. Use our gratitude list ideas if you find yourself stuck!

#4. Say no

One of the best self-care practices you can do every day is to stand up for yourself. Next time you face pressure from someone to do something you don’t want to do, politely decline and enjoy the feeling of taking control of your well-being.

#5. Practice positive self-talk

Take a moment to tell yourself (out loud) something about you that you are proud of or that you really like. Our brains are often very good at reminding us of all of our faults. Telling yourself what your strengths are out loud is an easy way to remind you that you are more than your faults. 

Try using our collection of affirmations to release negative energy to help you get started with this simple self care idea!

#6. Enjoy the silence

Next time you notice that it is silent (there will be a time, I promise!), stop and take note. Whether we mean to or not, we often fill silence with noise. Take a moment to just soak in how it feels to have a quiet and present moment to yourself!

#7. Color

Yes. Color. As in the children’s activity. 

You would be surprised how relaxing it can be to work away at putting color to a blank page. Find a good adult coloring book (yes, these are a thing!) and enjoy the sense of accomplishment you get from finishing your work of art! Hang it on your fridge with pride to remind yourself that doing small things every once in a while is the definition of self-care!

#8. Have a bubble bath

Taking 20 minutes to rest and relax in a warm bubble bath always feels rejuvenating after a hard day.

#9. Take a shower

If you find yourself with less time, a hot shower is another essential self-care strategy. Baths and showers are excellent excuses to force you into focusing on your own self-care while taking care of your basic needs!

#10. Go screen-free

When was the last time you went an entire day without touching a device? While it is difficult to do these days, disconnecting entirely from technology can leave you feeling completely refreshed.

#11. Write in a journal

Journaling every night is an effective way to help you unwind and decompress after a hard day. Use nightly journal prompts to clear your mind and enjoy a good night’s rest! Spending time with this simple lined journal and a hot herbal tea is my favorite way to decompress after a long day!

#12. Watch a motivational video

Starting every morning with the motivational words of an inspiring speaker is a great way to take control of your day. Add our favorite motivational speakers to your own self-care plan!

#13. Clean your house

Cleaning the house is self-care? Yes! Feeling comfortable in your home is important for your wellbeing.

#14. Clear some space on your devices

Take some time to clear the digital clutter on your devices and enjoy the feeling of a clean slate!

#15. Make a healthy home-cooked meal

A healthy home-cooked meal can be hard to make time for. But a healthy diet is a great way to take care of your body and prioritize your own physical self-care! Set aside one night per week to make your favorite meal and practice mindful eating.

#16. Watch the sunset or sunrise

Take a short walk in the morning or evening and appreciate the beauty of the rising or setting sun.

#17. Go for a walk

One of my favorite healthy habits that our family has started is going for a walk every day after dinner. It feels great to take good care of our bodies by getting 15 to 20 minutes of regular exercise and fresh air before bed time! It also helps our kids fall asleep!

#18. Do something outside

Making time for your favorite outdoor recreational activities or leisure activities in the middle of the day is a great way to practice self-care. Unplugging and remembering what it is like to be outside with fresh air is an excellent way to clear your head and reorient yourself.

#19. Take a nap

The idea of sleeping in the middle of the day may seem impossible (especially if you have children). However, asking for help from a trusted friend or family member so that you can have an hour to catch up on some sleep can be a powerful way to recharge in the middle of the day!

#20. Go to bed early

When I was younger I remember being excited by the idea of staying up until midnight. Nowadays, it seems that getting to bed by midnight is a luxury! 

Schedule a day or two during the week where you can set aside enough time to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Enjoy the feeling of waking up rested from a good night’s sleep and being ready to take on the day.

#21. Read a book

While it can be tricky to find time during the day for reading, even 5 – 10 minutes a day can make a big difference in your mental self-care routine. Grab something you are interested in and let yourself get lost in a good story or a good motivational book!

Check out our list of books about purpose for our top recommendations!

#22. Watch a movie or a show

Watching TV has always felt like a waste of time to me. I always leave feeling more stressed out because of what I chose to avoid in order to watch TV.

Having said that, taking a night off once per week to disconnect with a good show or a movie is one of the easiest self care practices that you can start right now.

#23 Have a healthy snack

This is a tricky one, because chowing down on a carrot doesn’t always feel good. However, there are plenty of yummy and healthy snacks out there that are good for your mind and body. Find one that fits your lifestyle and make it part of your self-care routine and a healthy diet!

#24. Order in

The complete opposite of the previous idea! Just like TV and movies, treating yourself to take out every once in a while can help with your self-care. The key here is balance!

#25. Read motivational quotes

Reading motivational quotes can uplift your spirits and provide inspiration. They serve as gentle reminders of your potential and resilience, helping you stay focused and positive. Incorporating these powerful words into your daily routine can foster a mindset of growth and inner peace.

Have the courage to take risks and chase after your wildest dreams.

#26. Sit on your porch and enjoy the quiet

Take a few minutes to sit on your front porch or your back deck and enjoy the view (even if there isn’t much of one!).

#27. Go for a drive with no destination in mind

Grab your partner (or just go alone for some quiet time) and just drive! When we were dating, my wife and I used to bring coffee and flip a coin; heads meant turn right, tails meant turn left. We ended up in some really nice areas of our city that we would have never otherwise explored!

#28. Dance it out

Carving out 5 minutes a day to put on some music that you just can’t sit still to is another way that you can prioritize your self-care.

#29. Wander through a library

You would be surprised what grabs your attention with a clear head and the silence of a library!

#30. Listen to an audiobook

Whether you are on the way to work or doing chores around the house, audiobooks are one of the greatest tools to help prioritize self-care in a busy life!

#31. Listen to a podcast

Track down a good podcast that will expose you to new ideas. You will be surprised how refreshing it feels to learn something new!

#32. Plan a vacation

The possibility of a vacation full of exciting adventures can be invigorating!

#33. Do a craft

Find something neat and enjoy being creative while focusing on creating something!

#34. Hobbies

Find a new hobby, or pick up one you haven’t had the time for lately. Clear your schedule and remind yourself of why your hobby is something you enjoy!

#35. Learn a new skill

Pick up an instrument, learn to sew, the possibilities are endless! You can learn anything with the Internet and a little patience!

#36. Bake

Find a simple recipe and bake something from scratch, even if you aren’t a baker! This is particularly fun if you have children. Let them help measure and mix the ingredients and enjoy making a big crazy mess in your kitchen!

#37. Get dressed up, get out the fancy china, and have a tea party… by yourself

It sounds silly, but this is an activity that is designed just for you. Remember, this is the purpose of self-care! You don’t have to worry about getting dressed for anyone else, or what you will talk about with anyone else. Instead, just enjoy how it feels to do something nice and relaxing for you.

#38. Snuggle a loved one

Slow down with your partner, child, or pet and enjoy a good snuggle. Meaningful social relationships are an essential aspect of wellbeing. Taking the time to enjoy the company of our loved ones is a simple idea for self-care that we often overlook amongst all of the chaos.

#39. Call a friend

When was the last time you picked up your phone and, you know, phoned a friend just to talk?

#40. Set boundaries in your relationships

Often times, a lack of boundaries in our relationships can lead to stressful and unhealthy relationships. Having the courage to set boundaries, communicate them to our friends and loved ones, and be consistent with maintaining them is one idea for self-care that will make a major difference in your overall wellbeing.

#41. Spend some quality time with your loved ones

Put the screens away and spend some good quality time with the people closest to you. This can be as simple as sitting around a nice meal and talking, or playing a good cooperative board game with your family.

#42. Plant and care for a garden

The work required to maintain a garden is relaxing and can take your mind away from the cares of your day. It is also a great feeling to see something grow that you started yourself!

#43. Listen to some music

Sitting down and connecting with a good playlist full of motivational music is a very effective idea for self-care. Pick out a few of your favourite tracks, mix them up, and sit back and enjoy!

#44. Light a candle

This idea for self-care involves very little effort at all! Grab your favourite scented candle and sit back and enjoy where it takes you. My favourite thing to do is light candles that have autumn scents!

#45. Kick your feet up and relax

Whether it is in front of a good movie, or just for 5 minutes in the middle of the day, take note of how good it feels to get off your feet.

#46. Get up early

After a day where you have planned to get enough rest, wake up early and do something just for you. Read a book, make a healthy breakfast, or go for a jog. Enjoy all of the potential a new morning has to offer!

#47. Yoga

There are plenty of YouTube channels out there that share Yoga routine videos. Find one for your skill level and enjoy the rest and relaxation that comes with aligning your physical, mental, and spiritual selves.

#48. Rest

While it may seem like a cop-out, identifying what rest looks like for you and being intentional about resting is the best idea for self-care on this list! There are times when you will find yourself with free time, and the way you choose to spend it will directly impact your wellbeing! Choose your favourite restful ideas for self-care from this list and be intentional with your downtime!

#49. Prioritize joy

Choose a day (like Sunday) to commit to only focusing on the things in your life that bring you joy.

#50. Set a SMART and Value-Driven Goal

Setting goals is one way to keep us motivated and engaged in our passions. Goals give us a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives and are important for practicing self-care. Setting a goal that is SMART and value-driven will help you find a goal that is important to you and your lifestyle and keep you on track.

the smart goals acronym next to a sun

#51. Connect with yourself

During all of the chaos of life, it is easy to get lost and forget who you are. Take some time to remember your goals and passions. Reflect on what drives you and reconnect with yourself!

#52. Spend time away from social media

Spending time away from social media can significantly improve your emotional health. It allows you to disconnect from the constant noise of the world, reducing stress and anxiety.

#53. Diffuse your favorite essential oils

Your favorite soothing scents can help reduce stress, improve mood, and promote relaxation. This simple self-care practice enhances your environment, supporting both mental and emotional well-being.

#54. Develop a daily meaningful bedtime ritual

Unwind and prepare for restful sleep. Activities like reading, journaling, or meditating can calm your mind, reduce stress, and promote emotional well-being.

#55. Practice deep breathing

Taking a deep breath calms your stress response, lowers heart rate, and improves cognitive function. It’s one of the simplest self-care tips, addressing both emotional needs and physical health.

#56. Move your body 

Whether it’s taking small walks during lunch breaks or finding different ways to stay active, regular movement strengthens your immune system and enhances different aspects of your life.

#57. Celebrate your accomplishments

Celebrating your accomplishments, no matter how small, is an important thing for maintaining motivation and a positive mindset. Acknowledge your progress and reward yourself, as this practice boosts confidence and encourages continued growth in different areas of your life.

#58. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water daily helps improve cognitive function, boost energy levels, and maintain a healthy immune system.

#59. Declutter your space

Decluttering your space can bring clarity to different aspects of your life. By organizing your environment, you reduce stress, enhance productivity, and create a good place for relaxation and focus.

#60. Treat yourself to a spa day

Pampering yourself with massages, facials, and other treatments is a perfect way to reduce stress and improve both physical and emotional health.

#61. Volunteer

Volunteering offers a sense of purpose and strengthens social connections. Helping others not only benefits the community but also boosts your own well-being, making it a fulfilling self-care practice.

#62. Have a cup of your favorite tea or coffee

Enjoying a cup of your favorite tea or coffee provides a simple way to relax. Take a moment to savor the flavors and warmth, creating a small but meaningful break in your daily tasks.

coffee and the words good morning

#63. Go for a bike ride

Going for a bike ride is an excellent way to meet your physical needs and explore new areas of your life. It’s a fun, low-cost activity that promotes cardiovascular health and overall well-being.

#64. Visit a museum or gallery

Visiting a museum or gallery stimulates your mind and enriches your soul. It’s a great way to appreciate art, culture, and history, offering a refreshing break from everyday life.

#65. Have a picnic

Having a picnic is one of the best self-care ideas for enjoying nature and spending quality time with loved ones. It’s a relaxing and enjoyable way to savor good food and create lasting memories.

#66. Do a puzzle

Doing a puzzle engages your brain and improves cognitive function. This simple activity can be a relaxing and rewarding way to take a break from daily tasks and sharpen your mind.

#67. Go stargazing

Go stargazing to connect with the vastness of the universe. It’s a peaceful and awe-inspiring activity that can help you unwind and gain perspective on life’s bigger picture.

#68. Take a day trip

Take a day trip to explore new places and break your routine. This small adventure can refresh your mind and spirit, providing new experiences and memories without much money.

#69. Write a letter to your future self

Writing a letter to your future self is a powerful exercise. My wife and I do this each year, and it was so encouraging to reflect on our growth and set intentions for the future.

#70. Random act of kindness

Performing a random act of kindness can brighten someone’s day and boost your own happiness. These small steps create positive ripples, enhancing your sense of purpose and social connections.

#71. Make a vision board

My wife and I make vision boards every year. It’s awesome to visually see the goals we are accomplishing throughout the year and helps us stay on top of our goals.

#72. Visit the beach

Visit the beach to feel the sand between your toes and the soothing sound of the waves. It’s a perfect place to relax, unwind, and enjoy nature’s beauty. 

#73. Practice self-reflection

Practicing self-reflection helps you understand different aspects of your life. Taking time to reflect on your thoughts and actions fosters personal growth and emotional health.

#74. Watch the clouds

Watching the clouds drift by is a simple way to relax and let your mind wander. This peaceful activity can help reduce stress and bring a sense of calm to your day.

#75. Visit a local farmers market

Visit a local farmers market to enjoy fresh produce and support your community. It’s a great way to find healthy, delicious food and connect with local vendors.

Using Self Care Ideas

It’s hard to find enough time in our busy lives to pay attention to ourselves. Our jobs, our children, and our commitments all demand that we pay attention to them, sometimes at the cost of our own wellbeing.

Regardless of the ideas for self-care that you choose to use, you need to intentionally make time for self-care. When you are feeling drained, take 5 minutes to try a few of the ideas on this list.

When used correctly, the ideas for self-care on this list will help you establish an effective self-care routine that will help you prioritize and take care of yourself in your busy life. If you don’t take care of yourself, you will end up exhausted, depleted, and with very little energy to care for yourself and those who depend on you.

Getting into a self-care routine is just like any other routine you have. It takes time and it takes practice, but once you get used to it, it becomes second nature. Soon you will find yourself making decisions that show care for not only others, but yourself as well.

Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family on social media! If you know of someone who is in need of some self care ideas, this could be the list they need to make a major lifestyle change!

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