15 Monday Mantras for Your Best Morning Possible

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A great Monday morning starts with an equally great Monday mantra! I have put together my 15 favorite Monday mantras and positive words of wisdom to boost the start of your week with a positive thought or two.

While mantras are traditionally seen as a spiritual or meditation practice, a mantra can be used in any way that focuses your thoughts and energy in an intentional way.

Mantras can be anything from a short positive affirmation to a motivational quote that resonates with you and your goals. For example, one of my favorite personal mantras is the quote “do something today that your future self will thank you for.” Repeating this quote every Monday morning reminds me to make the most of the fresh start that every new week brings.

Whether you are looking for motivation to clear out your to-do list, fortify your mindset, or you are just looking for a little bit of cheer to color your Monday morning, this list of Monday mantras is just what you need to kickstart your week.

I am the author of my story and I am choosing to write a bestseller

15 Monday Mantras to Fuel Your Journey to Your Best Life

The Monday mantras that make up this list have all been there for me when I needed them most. These short positive phrases will inspire a sense of passion and a desire for growth in order to make your Monday the fist step in your journey to your best life.

  1. “Today, I choose progress over perfection.”
  2. “I build my destiny one step at a time.”
  3. “Each day is a new canvas that I paint with passion and purpose.”
  4. “I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.”
  5. “My actions today lay the foundation for my dreams tomorrow.”
  6. “I am capable, resilient, and worthy of all the success coming my way.”
  7. “I release fear and doubt, and I embrace courage and confidence.”
  8. “The silver linings of every day are my focus and my motivation.”
  9. “My potential is limitless. I refuse to play small.”
  10. “I am grateful for the opportunity to create the life of my dreams.”
  11. “I attract abundance and positivity with every thought I think and every action I take.”
  12. “I am the author of my story and I am choosing to write a bestseller.”
  13. “I welcome change as a catalyst for growth and transformation.”
  14. “I am enough, just as I am, and I am worthy of all the good that comes my way.”
  15. “I radiate love, joy, and confidence, knowing that I am creating my best life every moment.”

Using Monday Mantras

There are so many ways that you can use personal mantras to align your mindset and your actions with your goals and intentions for the week. 

Repeating your favorite mantras to yourself during quiet meditation is a popular way to charge your mind and body with positive energy. Mantras to release negative energy are particularly helpful if you are looking to reduce stress and establish a positive environment.

One of my favorite things to do is write my favorite mantras in my daily journal and use them to guide my thinking. Whether you journal in the morning or the evening, using your own personal mantras is a great way to set the tone or wrap up the day in a positive way. 

Which Monday mantra is your favorite? How will you use mantras to transform your week?

If you are looking for an extra boost of confidence to start your week, check out our collection of confidence mantras! And use our list of happiness positive mantras to get intentional about living a happy life!

I wish you a happy Monday and a week full of motivational energy!

Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family on social media! If you know someone who could use Monday mantras, this post could be just what they need!

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