a woman with a lightbulb above her head

10 Tips on How to Know When Your Intuition is Talking to You

When it comes to making decisions, how often do you feel overwhelmed and unsure of whether or not you are choosing the right path? Many people seek advice from a family member, weigh options, or research endlessly with hopes of finding the right answers. But there’s something within you, an inner voice, that holds valuable guidance: your intuition.

Intuition is like a gut feeling that helps you know the right path without any logical reason or explanation. Many people choose to make important decisions based off their gut instinct and feel like they have made the right decision by following this quiet voice from within. But can you learn how to know when your intuition is talking to you? Can you learn to tap into this inner wisdom to make the right decision every time?

Let’s take a look at 10 red flags that can help you learn how to know when your intuition is talking to you!

What is Intuition and Why is It So Helpful?

Your brain is always hard at work, collecting and processing information without you even realizing it. It compares all new information with each of your past experiences and searches for patterns. When your brain recognizes that something matches a pattern, you feel a gut instinct and a sense of inner knowing.

And this is your intuition! It is a collection of intuitive feelings that you get when your brain’s little voice is saying “Hey you! Pay close attention to what’s happening here!” This warning sign is meant to help you realize that you should be on high alert to whatever is going on around you. 

Think of your intuition as a sort of voice that comes from your subconscious mind. This voice knows exactly what is best for you without being able to share any conscious reasoning with you. And it knows best because it has a record of all your past experiences, even the ones that slip beyond conscious thought.

Intuition is a lot more helpful than many people realize. In fact, researchers at Leeds University suggest that we should take the ‘hunches’ that come from our intuition seriously. 

We have so many different thoughts and emotions that we have to process throughout the day that it is almost impossible to pay close attention to everything that enters our minds. Thankfully, when you experience the sudden urge that your intuition is talking to you, you are able to push the pause button on everything else and start digging deep into the specific situation you are facing.

This will help you make your own decisions using knowledge from within, without the need for the opinions of others! Now, this doesn’t mean blindly ignoring certain facts and acting recklessly. But it is important to not let the facts undermine your own inner knowing.

woman holding lights

How To Know When Your Intuition Is Talking To You

People experience intuition in many different ways. But understanding the most common ways can help you learn how to know when your intuition is talking to you.

And if you’re able to understand the signs and signals of your intuitive feelings, there’s a good chance that you can gain clarity, make better decisions, and navigate life’s challenges with your best interest in mind!

So let’s look at 10 different ways to recognize how to know when your intuition is talking to you so you can find peace of mind when making your next difficult decision.

1. You Have a “Gut Feeling”

A gut feeling is like a sixth sense or an instinct that comes from your higher self. It’s that feeling in your stomach, like a warning sign, that can give you an answer without needing a logical reason.

Sometimes a gut feeling comes with a physical sensation. Often times this feels heavy, tight, or warm throughout your body. Others describe it as if there is a lightbulb turning on inside their mind.

When you have a gut feeling, you will feel a strong sense that you “just know” which decision is the right decision. The tricky part is that a gut feeling isn’t easy to explain. And because of this, gut feelings can make us feel like we are making an impulsive decision.  

However, remember that gut feelings are a way of helping you connect with your internal compass. Your intuition is constructed by all of your past experiences, so it makes sense that you might feel a strong reaction pulling you toward the best path for you, even though you might not know why.

2. You Feel Pressure But Can’t Explain Why

One of the most common places my intuition shows up for me is when my boundaries are being tested. I have very clear boundaries for what is and isn’t okay in all my relationships. Does this mean people always respect them? Of course not! 

And as a recovering people pleaser, I don’t always recognize when my boundaries are being pushed. Often, my instinct is to just “say yes” for fear that I will disappoint someone. 

But after many unpleasant past experiences, my trusted intuition now steps in to save the day. Because if my boundaries are being tested, you can bet my body starts putting on the pressure!

A family member declares that they are going to be dropping by unannounced in the next 15 minutes? You know my blood pressure is going to start rising! If I so much as get a text message from a person who has a history of boundary pushing, my heart instantly starts beating faster and I know my intuition is talking to me. And it is telling me “This is important. Pay attention to this. This has hurt you before! Be on the lookout!”

inner wisdom

3. You Feel Pulled Out of Your Comfort Zone

If something happens in your personal life that challenges you to step outside of your comfort zone, you can pretty much guarantee that your intuition is going to start raising flags.

Your comfort zone is a wonderful thing! You feel safe, secure, and happy there. And it is … well, comfortable! But staying in your comfort zone too long can make you complacent and downright bored with life.

So when your intuition puts pressure on you because you are leaving your comfort zone, it is important that you have a long conversation with it. Are you afraid of failing because of a previous failure? Do you fear being judged by other people? Your intuition will tell you how you feel about all of these negative emotions and more if you learn to listen to it! 

But the most important thing is that you don’t simply ignore it. You will fail when you step outside your comfort zone, and people may judge you. But with the right mindset, you can overcome failure, and focus on the only voice that matters: your own!

4. You Feel Confident In An Irrational Decision (and Don’t Know Why)

Have you ever been faced with a very difficult decision, but for some reason you just know you are making the right one? 

Often times, making quick decisions can feel impulsive. But there are times when I know my intuition is talking to me and helping me make quick decisions that I would otherwise mull over for much longer.

Your intuition is a collection of your past experiences and all of the emotions you felt through them. The feelings that your intuition sends to you are there to remind you of these experiences and emotions.

For example, when I quit teaching I knew that a worse paying job with better work/life balance was better for me than a higher paying demanding job. And I knew this even though I was a new father with a small family.

I couldn’t explain why I had this confidence, but in the moment I knew I had to quit, even though the decision didn’t feel like common sense. 

If you are interested, you can read more about this seemingly irrational decision and how it turned out for me!

These decisions don’t always feel like they come from your rational mind. So when you “just know” that specific job offers aren’t good for you (even when they pay more), it’s probably because you had a similar experience that your intuition is picking up on.

Or if you “just know” that you should let that phone call from your in-laws go to voicemail, it’s probably because you know exactly what would happen if you answered it.

lightbulb inside thought bubble

5. You Feel Sick, Tired, or Drained (Or the Opposite!)

If you notice yourself feeling strong feelings of joy or despair, your intuition might just be trying to tell you something useful.

Typically, I get this overwhelming sense of exhaustion when I’ve been carrying something around with me for a long time without even realizing it. Then I crash hard with a few moments of clarity.

When your energy is drained, your intuition is trying to let you know that there are people or situations in your life that are holding you back. And when you feel excited and energized, your intuition is talking to you and letting you know that there are uplifting or inspiring people or situations nearby.

Paying attention to how you feel around certain individuals and situations is the first step to start tapping into the power your unconscious mind has to offer! Use your intuition to help you set stronger and healthier boundaries in your personal relationships, and discover new and exciting passions and interests you didn’t know that you had!

6. You Notice Repeating Patterns

Your intuition is a fantastic record keeper. And because of this, it is a powerful tool for recognizing patterns that your own conscious reasoning often overlooks. 

For example, if you notice yourself having to take a few deep breaths before you talk to a friend or family member, your intuition guide might be sending you nonverbal cues about your personal needs in that relationship.

Pay attention to the way your body reacts on a regular basis to the events of your day. Your intuition is a very powerful thing when it comes to picking up on patterns!

7. You Have Clearer Goals and Dreams

We all want more for our lives. But it isn’t always clear just what we want this to look like. 

But if you listen closely, your intuition might be trying to pull you toward specific goals and dreams for your life and your future. 

For example, if you suddenly have the overwhelming urge to start your own business, your intuition may be sending you signals that you should pay attention to. 

Listening to your intuition’s clues about your goals and dreams is also helpful to shut out your inner critic. This is the voice that tells you all about your limiting beliefs to get you to focus only on rational thinking. Its goal is to shut down all the excitement that comes from chasing big dreams. But if you shut down your inner critic and listen hard for your own truth, you will be amazed at the big dreams you have buried deep down!

8. You Feel Inspired

Have you ever had a random idea or feeling of inspiration that seems to come out of nowhere and for no apparent reason? This could be a clear sign that your intuition is talking to you!

Many people bury their ideas under the voice of their inner critic because they fear that the world will reject their creativity. But your strong intuition knows that your ideas are great and deserve to shine!

So if you suddenly feel inspired to start something new and exciting, there is a good reason for it! Try saying ‘yes’ when you all of a sudden have a clear idea for something brilliant. You never know where your inspiration will take you!

box on head with an idea coming out

9. You Start Questioning Common Sense

Your common sense is a combination of all that you have been taught throughout your life. But as you may have noticed, your thoughts and feelings don’t always line up with one another!

Because of this, you may find yourself questioning things in your life that you once thought were common sense. This is because your intuition works hard to store all of your thoughts and feelings that your mind can’t always keep up with. And you may experience an intuitive hit when your feelings don’t match your thoughts.

For example, your common sense might tell you that it is right for you to start a family. But your own intuitive experience with children may cause you to question whether or not you are ready to start a family. 

In order to make accurate decisions, it is important to question common sense by getting in touch with your true feelings to understand the best thing for you.

10. You Can’t Shake a Feeling

Since people experience intuition in different ways, noticing that your intuition is talking to you isn’t always as simple as having “a gut feeling” or “feeling pressure”. Sometimes, it is a quiet nudge that you just can’t shake. 

If you find yourself facing persistent thoughts or feelings, your intuition may be using its gut-brain connection to make you start listening! Take some time to unpack these persistent thoughts or feelings to discover just what your intuitive senses are trying to tell you!

Can You Trust Your Intuition? (and Should You?)

We all have intuition and we all have our own intuitive voice. But does this mean that it always helps us make accurate decisions? Is it a good idea to always trust your intuition? 

The truth is that it takes practice to listen to and trust your intuition. Sometimes your intuition is wrong, while other times you may have just misread it.

Next time you notice your intuition talking to you, use the following process to help you build trust and confidence in your intuition:

  1. First things first: stop and ask “is this the right thing for me to do?”
  2. Next, pay attention to whether you feel an overwhelming urge in one direction or the other.
  3. Then, reflect on how things went after you made your decision. Make a conclusion about whether your intuition was correct or not.
  4. Lastly, remember how it felt when your intuition was correct. This will help you build trust in your intuition.

Once you learn how to know when your intuition is talking to you, it is almost like gaining a second brain! And this second brain helps your brain do a lot of the deeper level thinking that is needed when facing difficult decisions.

Learn how to know when your intuition is talking to you and you will always have peace of mind that you are making the right choice and heading in the right direction!

Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family on social media! If you know someone who could benefit from listening to their intuition, this post could be just what they need!

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