mistakes are proof that you are trying

Mistakes Are Proof That You Are Trying (and Why Trying matters)

You have made a mistake at some point in your life. Maybe even in the last hour! We all make mistakes, and when we do, they usually do not feel good. But, mistakes are proof that you are trying. And, as it turns out, trying and making mistakes is the key to life full of passion, purpose, and growth.

Why Do We Hate Making Mistakes?

One of the reasons we hate making mistakes is because they make us feel inadequate, stupid, or small. In the workplace, we are made to think that mistakes will cause us to lose our credibility. And at home, or in our relationships, mistakes can make us feel judged and unloved.

Our culture seems to only make room for the best of the best. Mistakes and anything less than perfection are not acceptable!

Because of this, we fear making mistakes so much that we take less risks and hide our true selves from the world by staying in our comfort zone. And when we hide our true selves, we also hide all of our beautiful imperfections rather than embracing who we are.

Mistakes Are Proof That You Are Trying AND Growing

But here is the secret meaning behind the ‘mistakes are proof that you are trying’ quote: Mistakes mean growth.

Now, you might be thinking “Growth? But trying is hard, and I want the easy life!”

Many people think that if all of life’s problems would go away they would just be happy. However, the truth is that without problems, challenges, or mistakes, life is actually pretty boring. This is because we are hardwired to crave meaning, purpose, and growth in our lives.

a tree growing a complex root pattern

Think about it. What would you do if you woke up every day and had literally nothing challenging or meaningful to do? Depending on who you are, you might actually last a long time starring at your phone or the TV. Or you might become one of those people who tend to make up things to complain about because they have no problems or challenges in their lives.

Many people seem content to live their lives like this. Life is so chaotic that it makes sense for people to want to live lives that are easy. If things are easy, we don’t have to put in the effort to try, and we don’t have to worry about making mistakes.

A Carefree Life Isn’t A Life Without Mistakes

The thing is, if you never make a mistake, it means that things are so easy for you that you aren’t trying. And if you aren’t trying, you aren’t learning and growing. Mistakes are proof that you are trying. And trying means that you are working hard to grow and learn something new.

Yes, it is true that problems, challenges, and mistakes require effort. However, putting in effort also results in growth. And when we grow, we develop new skills and new passions. These skills and passions can lead to new and exciting dreams to chase. Or interesting job opportunities that open more doors to a life filled with passion, purpose, and happiness.

One of the most useful tools you can develop to help you understand why mistakes are proof that you are trying is an understanding of growth mindset. The idea of a growth mindset is explored in detail in Carol Dweck’s groundbreaking book Mindset. Check out our top 5 key takeaways from Mindset to learn more about how a growth mindset can change the way you think, work, parent, and live.

A growth mindset is a way of thinking that helps you see mistakes, challenges, obstacles, and setbacks as growth opportunities. People with a growth mindset understand that, not only is it okay to make mistakes, but you should be making mistakes in your life.

If you aren’t making mistakes, you aren’t trying. And if you aren’t trying, you aren’t growing.

Try, Make Mistakes, and Grow.

We write a lot about living a carefree lifestyle at Joyful Through It All. However, one thing we work hard to communicate is that carefree does not mean easy. Carefree does not mean living a life that doesn’t require effort or trying.

Carefree living means overcoming obstacles. It means using obstacles to advance your growth as a person, rather than hindering it. It means that you try, make mistakes, learn from those mistakes, and then enjoy the carefree life that stems from that process.

So, make big mistakes. Let them help you develop new skills and find new passions. And if you find yourself getting bored or without a challenge, start looking for something new that allows you to make a few new mistakes.

Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family on social media! If you know someone who is hard on themselves for their mistakes, this could be just what they need to make a major mindset shift!

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