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Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy Meaning

Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy Meaning

CassandraFeb 9, 2022
Do you ever wonder why your life isn’t as exciting as other people’s lives? Remember that comparison is the thief of joy – meaning you are stealing your own happiness by comparing yourself to others!
Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude (And Your Attitude is A Choice)

Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude (And Your Attitude is A Choice)

JordanFeb 6, 2022
Your attitude determines your altitude. Learn to choose a positive attitude and watch as you reach heights you have only dreamed of!
Never Let The Fear Of Striking Out Keep You From Playing The Game

Never Let The Fear Of Striking Out Keep You From Playing The Game

JordanFeb 5, 2022
Does your fear of failure keep you from pursuing your dreams? Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. Here’s why!
a person stretches outside of their comfort zone

45 Comfort Zone Quotes To Drive You Towards Your Dream Life

CassandraFeb 2, 2022
These 45 comfort zone quotes will push you to take risks, overcome fear, and step outside of your comfort zone.
Life Begins At the End of Your Comfort Zone. Here’s Why.

Life Begins At the End of Your Comfort Zone. Here’s Why.

JordanJan 29, 2022
There are benefits to living a life of comfort, but your most exciting and purposeful life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Here’s why.
mistakes are proof that you are trying

Mistakes Are Proof That You Are Trying (and Why Trying Matters)

JordanJan 29, 2022
Mistakes are proof that you are trying. And as it turns out, trying and making mistakes is the key to life of passion, growth, and happiness.

How Can We Help?

a pathway leading to the ocean

Chasing Dreams

Learn how to let your values guide you, and turn your goals into action!

a person looking up at the sunset

Carefree Living

Live your life on your own terms. Listen to the only voice that matters – yours!

'you got this' written in chalk

Mindset Matters

Learn to take control of your mindset! Obstacles are opportunities for growth!