30 Affirmations For Mindfulness (And How to Use them the Right Way!)

Do you find yourself struggling to be in the present moment? Do you struggle with negative thoughts? Affirmations for mindfulness may just be the powerful tool that you need to bring some positive energy your way.

The odds are that you have probably heard of daily affirmations. You know – the magical phrases that the internet claims are going to help you somehow just talk your problems away?

Most personal growth resources recommend affirmations as a healthy way to develop a sense of inner peace and clarity of mind. But, if you are anything like me, you may be skeptical that mindful affirmations could ever work.

First of all, it can feel awkward to sit and tell yourself out loud how great you are. This alone discourages some people from trying to use mindful affirmations. BUT, there is a trick to overcoming this feeling that I will share with you below!

Secondly, there has to be more to solving problems than simply stating that you can solve them. I mean, positive thinking is powerful, but there has to be more to it than that… right? More on this below also!

What is Mindfulness?

Do you ever feel like your daily life is filled with chaos? Like you have so many responsibilities and different hats to wear? It can be easy to become overwhelmed amongst all the noise!

Mindfulness is a practice that helps you be fully aware of and in touch with the thoughts and feelings you have in your mind and body. This is an important part of living an intentional life full of purposeful pursuit of your goals and dreams.

When things get hectic, mindfulness practices can help you zero in on what you are actually feeling and experiencing, and what your body really needs.

Being mindful of your mind and body gives us power over impulses and urges that we often don’t understand, but act on. This is pretty helpful for the times where all signs point toward a big bowl of salty chips, but what you really need is 10 minutes of quiet time.

What Are Mindfulness Affirmations?

There are many different mindfulness techniques and mindfulness exercises. For example, meditation and breathing exercises can help relax the mind and the body in order to reduce stress.

Mindfulness affirmations are short positive statements that can be repeated in your head or out loud. These phrases are a healthy way to develop clarity of mind and a sense of inner peace within yourself.

The idea is that you use these phrases to retrain your subconscious mind into prompting a different, healthier reaction.

Using mindful affirmations is not a substitute for clinical treatments, but they have been scientifically proven to cause improved mental health.

In fact, certain empirical studies report MRI evidence of positive changes. Self-affirmations appear to trigger the reward centres in your brain. This causes positive changes in your brain that lead you to the feeling of happiness.

How Can I Make Affirmations For Mindfulness Feel Less Awkward?

Now, earlier I mentioned that it can feel awkward to sit and talk to yourself. Here’s how you fight that feeling!

#1. Make time and space

One reason mindfulness affirmations feel uncomfortable or awkward is because there are other things you could be doing.

It is important to find a quiet space where you can be alone. This will help you feel comfortable knowing that no one is judging you for what you say to yourself (not that anyone’s opinion matters! Remember, you are doing this for you!).

Find the best time of day to take a 10 minute break for your daily affirmations. You would be amazed just where you can find 10 minutes in your day. Take some time while you wait for your coffee, or while you are commuting to work!

#2. So you just, like, say them?

Well, yeah! But just sitting there saying “I am here right now” is pretty much guaranteed to have very little impact on your mindset.

One reason people avoid meditating or using affirmations is because they aren’t sure of the ‘right way’ to do it. While there isn’t a right or wrong way, there is a fairly effective meditation practice that can help.

The best meditation practice is to use deep inhaling and exhaling while breathing. Take a deep breath in for 4 seconds, hold it for 7 seconds, and then slowly exhale for 8 seconds.

As you do this, repeat your affirmation of choice in your head. Or repeat it out loud at the end of your exhaling breath. You should be able to feel the tension leaving your chest and stomach.

Enjoy this feeling and let it help you feel your best day after day!

#3. Do it More Than Once!

Like any new habit, making mindfulness affirmations stick requires a lot of practice. You aren’t going to wake up one day, tell yourself that you are calm, and then just miraculously be cool as a cucumber.

If only!

Instead, you need to commit to making self-affirmation tasks that you must complete each day.

Set an alarm on your phone to remind you that it is time for you to practice your affirmations. Work your affirmations into your routine in the same way that you would brushing your teeth.

Before long, it will become second nature!

#4. If All Else Fails…

If you still find affirmations to be awkward or uncomfortable, consider these ideas.

Search for affirmations on this list that align with your values. Affirmations work differently for every person.

There will most likely always be some level of discomfort the first few times you use affirmations. But picking out a few that make you feel the least uncomfortable is a good place to help you step outside of your comfort zone.

Lastly, if you find saying affirmations in your head doesn’t work, or you don’t like how it feels to speak out loud, consider writing your affirmations down instead.

There are many people who find the same power in keeping a journal of powerful affirmations that they can write or read repeatedly. Using positive affirmation cards with your favorite positive phrases can also have the same effect!

List of 30 Affirmations for Mindfulness

The affirmations for mindfulness on the following list can be used to help you reconnect with the present moment. These mindfulness affirmations will help you become aware of the thoughts and feelings you are having in your mind and body.

If you are used to negative thinking, using these affirmations will also help you think in more positive ways.

Let’s get into this list of the 30 best positive affirmations!

  1. My time on Earth is limited and I want to be fully present in each moment.
  2. Where I am is exactly where I am meant to be.
  3. I find joy in giving my loved ones my attention.
  4. I am fully engaged in the present moment.
  5. My thoughts and feelings are mine without criticism or judgment.
  6. I am grateful for this day and all that it offers.
  7. Every exchange that I have today is important and valuable.
  8. I am working toward inner peace with myself.
  9. My life is full of good things.
  10. I am full of self love.
  11. What I am doing right now is the only thing that matters right now.
  12. I am free from the pressure that I put on myself.
  13. In this moment, I have everything that I could ever need.
  14. My needs matter.
  15. I am here, I am present, I am grounded in this moment.
  16. I have the power to choose exactly who I want to be.
  17. Negative self-talk does not have a space in my life.
  18. I emit positivity and kindness in every situation.
  19. I give each person I interact with my undivided attention.
  20. My growth mindset reminds me of the importance of challenges.
  21. I shine my light for the world to see.
  22. My personal values matter.
  23. I trust that I can handle any situation that happens today.
  24. I give myself permission to fully love myself.
  25. My positive thoughts help me create my life of happiness.
  26. I will not worry about things that are out of my control.
  27. My mind is calm, I am at peace.
  28. I only allow positive self-talk in my thoughts and words.
  29. My positive mindset allows me to chase after my dreams.
  30. I am choosing to focus my energy on what I can control.

What Are Your Favorite Affirmations for Mindfulness?

Enjoying the present moment is a big part of choosing to live the life you want to live.

You will not become a mindfulness affirmations master overnight. It takes practice, dedication, and a growth mindset to acknowledge that you have an area for growth worth developing.

After some practice, you will start to build a list of positive things that you can say to yourself to remind you of your commitment to self love and mindfulness.

Eventually, you will start to work your favorite affirmations into your own conversations with yourself. And you will start to use positive self talk to tell yourself a different story about being present!

Enjoy the freedom that being present with your thoughts and feelings brings!

Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family on social media! If you know someone who could use some help with mindfulness, this could be the blog post that changes everything!

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